Hi! I’m Claire, a Certified Integrative Trauma Practitioner and holistic healer. I believe that healing should go deeper than the mind and into the body to help you break through barriers and step into your brilliance.   

You may be at the point where you’ve invested time, money, and energy on “end-all-be-all” solutions that still don’t meet your needs… I’ve been there, too. But it wasn’t until I felt something was missing in talk therapy that I perfected my method for lasting and effective healing backed by Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, ancient practices, and holistic health. Even though I was crystal clear on why I was the way that I was, I’d repeat the same behaviors and experience the same triggers. Through feeling like I was different, hopeless, and wondering if I’d ever feel whole, I felt overwhelmed with the options for healing and the lack of structure around them. What I didn’t know at the time was that the thing keeping me stuck was my Nervous System state.

 It wasn’t until I addressed my triggers on a bodily level that I was able to finally break free from them. 

Through somatic (body-based) work, I was able to control my reactions to triggers, establish a loving connection with myself, and build the life I’ve always dreamed of. From overcoming attachment issues, anxiety, addiction, and more, I know that I can not only handle anything but be anyone I want. Now, I’m here to help you experience more embodiment and less suffering.

If you’re looking for an intuitive, shame-free, loving space to work through your traumas at your own pace, you’ve found your home! My specialty lies in helping my clients work through anxiety, post-breakup healing, trauma, attachment styles, substance abuse, self-esteem issues, limiting beliefs, and anything else that comes up – we’ll embrace the full spectrum of human experience during our time together.

Once we co-create a custom blend of holistic healing practices that meet you where you are in your journey, we’ll navigate your pain with both compassion and determination. You will be empowered to take control by tapping into your body and processing all that you learn about your own system’s cues. You will connect with your higher self and realize the tools to heal have been within you all along, able to carry you into a state of growth whenever you please. It is my greatest pride & joy to hold this safe space for you to transform into your true self and realize the power that’s been in you all along.

Integrative Trauma Therapy
Yoga (RYT-200)
Sound Healing 
Usi Reiki
Clinical Psychology at Pepperdine University 
Studies in Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Movement, Trauma Healing, and EFT

"Claire has the most powerful and profound combination of breathwork, somatic therapy, and healing that I’ve ever seen in my life. She has authentic passion and purpose to serve the world with her incredible gifts."

"Every time I do a breathwork session with Claire, I feel emotions that I didn’t know were there, and leave with a sense of clarity like all the “stuff” in my head faded away.

- tristan F.

- allison p.

- Tristan F.

- allison p.

“Claire’s breathwork sessions bring to light emotions I wasn’t aware of, clearing my mind and providing a refreshing sense of clarity. Her work has shifted my perspective on longstanding issues and propelled my healing journey. I’ve even started recommending her to my friends.”

“The impact of Claire’s unique combination of breathwork, somatic therapy, and healing has been life-changing, offering a deep and authentic healing experience.”