0ne on One Breathwork

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The effects of breathwork are both immediate and cumulative. Clients often report a release of stress, an elevation in mood, and a newfound clarity. Over time, these sessions can lead to improved emotional regulation, deeper insight into personal patterns, and an expanded state of consciousness that transcends the everyday experience.

In individual sessions, I guide you through a 90 minute Breathwork journey to release stored tension or trauma and access deeper healing within your body. 

Breathwork is a portal to your highest self that has many benefits such as:

* Promoting self-awareness

* Transcendent & mystical experiences

* Clearing emotional blockages

* Processing challenging unconscious material

* Reduce stress and improving mood

* Access altered states of consciousness

"Claire’s breathwork sessions bring to light emotions I wasn’t aware of, clearing my mind and providing a refreshing sense of clarity. Her work has shifted my perspective on longstanding issues and propelled my healing journey. I’ve even started recommending her to my friends.”

— tristan F.

“I had been feeling so burnt out with my content and literally one session with Athena changed everything.

I'm baby organic authentic skateboard microdosing waistcoat, vinyl sartorial. Bodega boys street art four dollar toast.


Breathwork Enables You To:

Breathwork Enables You To

Empowering You To:

Unblock subconscious limiting beliefs and trapped energy

Heal trauma and free stored emotions

Enhance neuroplasticity and forge new neural connections

Stabilize and balance your nervous system

Unblock subconscious beliefs & energy

release trauma & stored emotions

Enhance neuroplasticity
& forge new connections 

Regulate your nervous system

gain CLARITY & AUTHENTIC selF-expression

align with your highest self

Increase openness, connection,
& acceptance

achieve presence and inner peace

Align with your highest self

Gain clarity, ease, and authenticity in self-expression

Foster openness and cultivate acceptance

Discover inner peace and presence


Breathwork is a deeply beneficial practice known for enhancing well-being, boosting mental clarity, and facilitating emotional release. While generally safe, it can cause transient side effects like dizziness, tingling, or heightened emotions. It's important for individuals with health concerns—especially those with cardiovascular issues, respiratory conditions, severe psychological disorders, or a history of seizures—to exercise caution and consult healthcare professionals before beginning breathwork. This practice is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatments, and should be approached thoughtfully, particularly if you have underlying health conditions. Always discuss potential risks and benefits with a physician to ensure it is appropriate and safe for your specific situation.

Modern "Breathwork" typically refers to active breathing practices that often incorporate elements of Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB). This approach has been increasingly popularized in recent years as a powerful tool for personal transformation, deriving largely from historical practices like Holotropic Breathwork and Rebirthing, developed by Stanislav Grof and Leonard Orr respectively.

As a facilitator, I focus on these modern, active Breathwork techniques, especially Conscious Connected Breathwork. This method emphasizes a continuous flow of breath—connecting each inhalation directly to each exhalation without pauses—to induce profound psychological and physiological changes. I enrich this foundational practice by integrating ancient pranayama techniques, energy healing, and somatic work. This combination not only leverages the physical benefits of structured breathing but also facilitates access to transformative non-ordinary states of consciousness, unlocking deep spiritual and psychological healing. Through this approach, participants can explore and transform their inner emotional landscapes, achieving profound personal growth and healing.

For more detailed information about Conscious Connected Breathwork and its principles, consider exploring resources from the International Breathwork Foundation.

The number of sessions needed to achieve desired results can vary based on individual circumstances. While some clients find relief and insight after just one session, others may benefit from multiple sessions to address deeper layers of emotional or energetic blockages. Typically, a series of 6 sessions is recommended to fully integrate the healing benefits of Breathwork into one's life. 

I'm based in Austin, Texas, but my Breathwork sessions are primarily conducted virtually, allowing me to work with individuals worldwide. You can easily book a virtual session from anywhere, or if you're in the Austin area and prefer an in-person session, feel free to reach out to me directly to discuss options here.

Breathwork is a deeply beneficial practice known for enhancing well-being, boosting mental clarity, and facilitating emotional release. While generally safe, it can cause transient side effects like dizziness, tingling, or heightened emotions. It's important for individuals with health concerns—especially those with cardiovascular issues, respiratory conditions, severe psychological disorders, or a history of seizures—to exercise caution and consult healthcare professionals before beginning breathwork. This practice is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatments, and should be approached thoughtfully, particularly if you have underlying health conditions. Always discuss potential risks and benefits with a physician to ensure it is appropriate and safe for your specific situation.

"I’ve made more progress with Claire than in years of talk therapy, and I think that is because breathwork accesses the subconscious mind and stored emotion in the body. I am able to be a part of my own life in a way that I couldn’t before."

- Sam, Breathwork client

On-Demand Breathwork

Looking for a convenient and affordable way to practice Breathwork? Try my on-demand video sessions.

Choose from single, hour-long Breathwork journeys or series like my 7-day and 21-day programs. Enjoy the flexibility of practicing anytime, anywhere.

Breathwork is a powerful healing practice that helps release deep-seated tension and emotions, promoting peace and clarity. 

Each session offers a unique experience of emotional unlocking and grounding, guiding you through emotions like joy, grief, anger, sadness, or fear. In a safe environment, you can relieve stored tension and trauma, initiating deep bodily healing. While a single session can provide significant relief, regular practice can transform your nervous system and enhance your life.

About Me • About Me • About Me •

How Integrative Healing Cultivates Security, Serenity, and Self-Connection

Hi! I’m Claire, a Certified Integrative Trauma Practitioner and holistic healer. I believe that healing should go deeper than the mind and into the body to help you break through barriers and step into your brilliance. 

You may be at the point where you’ve invested time, money, and energy on “end-all-be-all” solutions that still don’t meet your needs… I’ve been there, too. But it wasn’t until I felt something was missing in talk therapy that I perfected my method for lasting and effective healing backed by Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, ancient practices, and holistic health. Even though I was crystal clear on why I was the way that I was, I’d repeat the same behaviors and experience the same triggers. Through feeling like I was different, hopeless, and wondering if I’d ever feel whole, I felt overwhelmed with the options for healing and the lack of structure around them. What I didn’t know at the time was that the thing keeping me stuck was my Nervous System state.

 It wasn’t until I addressed my triggers on a bodily level that I was able to finally break free from them. 

Through somatic (body-based) work, I was able to control my reactions to triggers, establish a loving connection with myself, and build the life I’ve always dreamed of. From overcoming attachment issues, anxiety, addiction, and more, I know that I can not only handle anything but be anyone I want. Now, I’m here to help you experience more embodiment and less suffering.

If you’re looking for an intuitive, shame-free, loving space to work through your traumas at your own pace, you’ve found your home! My specialty lies in helping my clients work through anxiety, post-breakup healing, trauma, attachment styles, substance abuse, self-esteem issues, limiting beliefs, and anything else that comes up – we’ll embrace the full spectrum of human experience during our time together.

In both one-on-one sessions and on-demand holistic healing practices, I'll meet you where you are in your journey to help you navigate your pain with both compassion and determination. You will be empowered to take control by tapping into your body and processing all that you learn about your system’s cues. It is my greatest pride and joy to hold this safe space for you to transform into your highest self and realize the power that’s been within you all along.